Now, the Shurton project has achieved 500 continuous Perfect Days on site. This has been every day since the commencement of site works!
A Perfect Day is any day when no safety injury, security event or environmental release has occurred. Perfect Days allow us to recognise the efforts that our teams put into ensuring that people and our environment remain unharmed and the main reason why this has been achieved is because of the consistent focus from the Shurton team on maintaining high quality and sustainable standards on site.

As a quick reminder, the Shurton site is Linxon’s longest continuous operational site, so this currently makes it Linxon’s highest Perfect Day score globally.
“Congratulations and thanks to all the Shurton team and operatives for giving a new benchmark for the Linxon safety culture”, said Frédéric Tréfois, CEO of Linxon. “It has been great to see all the ideas for improvements that have been put in place. This has been a real team exercise from a complete project delivery perspective, driven by our Linxon employees but also involving our subcontractors and customer implementing the identified improvements actions”.